At Akshaya Amaaya Foundation, we embrace humanity, kindness and compassion. We envision a world where spreading joy and happiness knows no bounds. Join us in our mission to make a difference and create a brighter future for those in need.
This foundation is being led by Bina Shah who has dedicated the last ten years in helping children, women n old age to get a better life in all areas where they can lead a healthy life, grow financially independent and where all women men could enjoy equal socio economic political rights. Access to education, health, economic empowerment overall to a better life is currently under resourced and underfunded globally. We are committed to overcoming barriers and unlocking the underprivileged society’ potential so the World can thrive. We are feeling a compelling need to contribute to Society and a profound desire to provide the needy with opportunities for growth, happiness, success and healthy life. The support, skill and immense dedication is what makes everything possible.
We are an 80 G foundation where all the donors can avail the tax benefits.
Any Act of Charity is a stepping stone to make the World a better place. It is an Act to connect with the Divine. Where giving Love, Support and Hope For a Better Tomoro is our Mission.
Our approach is holistic and our style is hands on. We work on grassroot initiatives. We inspire and empower the people of giving into changing the lives of the needy. We rebuild lives guiding the needy towards stability, success, financial independence, healthy life and a bright happy future.
Any Act of Kindness is an Act of Love, Care and Support. No matter how small, the Needy will feel motivated and ready for their battles with us by their sides.
Activities that we do makes us stand apart from others.
India’ majority of the elder population have to work In Their old age to survive. They can’t afford medical insurance and are helpless in case of the common illnesses of old age. We provide sustainable healthcare solutions to the sick and needy in form of Health Camps and Age Care services like free consultation, free surgeries, free medications counselling, health awareness and mobility equipment like wheelchairs, crutches, beds, walkers etc to help them in improving their lives, quality of life and live a life of respect and dignity. We are working towards old age homes providing them with highest quality of care, maintain independent lifestyle, healthy nourishment, activities with their age group, learn new skills, which helps them to combat loneliness and with a strong sense of independence and belonging. We create a supportive environment for them to create a sense of mental and emotional well being.
We support and dedicate ourselves to a very happy childhood for the children of the Nation. We dedicate all our efforts to various child rights like education, health nutrition, helping with disabilities and happy family upbringing offering them a chance for a very bright successful life.Children are the foundation of the country’s future. We give dedicated support and care for children with special needs ensuring they thrive in every way and create positive changes in Their communities. We inspire and equip the young generation And empower young minds with knowledge and opportunities they need to succeed. To become leaders and change makers. We give children a safe and nurturing environment where every child finds hope, love and a brighter future. Supporting them with good education, health, nutrition, hygiene education and a safe upbringing will help them achieve their dreams and help them grow with a very bright and successful upbringing. Let’s give safety and freedom to our children. Feeding the poor and taking care of the Malnourished is the most serious problem in Today’s world. Empowering the young minds with knowledge and opportunities they need to succeed.
We empower Women with health,good education, food and financial inclusions. We empower the Women to lead, innovate and We provide women with healthcare, nutrition and educating them so they become independent. We champion the cause of educating girls and women enabling them to build a better future for themselves and their communities. We provide the youn g girls towards their school fees, tuitions, developing hobbies, learning skills they are interested in. We provide online training, computer education, art skills, life skills, entrepreneurship in their field of interest. Giving women the resources, support and skills she needs to transform her life and the lives of her family. We work towards prevention of violence towards women focusing on their social and legal rights through demand driven initiatives. All the donations and efforts will go to help girls and women thrive.
Our List of events which will allow members to participate in the same.
We are having a musial program to collect the donation funds. You are requested to spread the news all over your network so that we can see more participation from all.
We are having a valentine day program to collect the donation funds. You are requested to spread the news all over your network so that we can see more participation from all.
Phone: +91 91372 35568
Address: 1401, RNA Auroville, Gujar Lane, Santacruz West, Mumbai 400054
Hours: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
For information on our 80G certificates, please contact us via email.
If you have any suggestions or want to do contribution please do get in touch with us
Phone: +91 91372 35568
Hours: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Only Working Days